Dr. Ramesh L. Juvekar
M.S., M.Ch (Urology)
Diplomate National Board (Urology)
Honorary Urologist & Transplant Surgeon, Andrologist and Reconstructive Surgeon
- Wockhardt Hospital
- Masina Hospital
- Apollo Spectra Hospital
- ACI Cumballa Hill Hospital
Pioneered Low-Instensity Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy in India and established the first ESWT facility in the country.
Ongoing research : Stem cells in Urology.
Special Interest
- SWT in Prostatites, Peyronieus, Erectile dysfunction
- Shockwaves in Regenerative Medicine
- Renal transplantation
- Male Sexual Dysfunctions& Infertility.
- Incontinence of Urine.
- Reconstructive Urology (Urethroplasty, Peyronies ,Penile Prosthesis.)
- Renal Transplantation.
- Shockwaves in Regenerative Medicine – from 2010 till date.
- Urological from 1979 till date.
- Renal Transplantation and Vascular Access Surgery from 1979 till date.
- Reconstructive Urology.
- Microsurgery .
- Association of surgeons of India.
- Urological society of India.
- Bombay urological society, India.
- West zone chapter of urological society of India.
- Indian society of organ transplantation.
- Endourology society.
- Ageing, Gender, Andrology & Sexual (Science) Society of India (AGASSI).
- American Society of Andrology.
- S.M.S.T (International Society for Medical Shockwave Treatment).
- International Association of Sexual Medicine Practitioners Modern Medicine-IASMP(MM)
- International Continence Society.